The Foundation is a Section 8 Company, registered under the Registrar of Companies. Constitutive founding members are Bhargavi Davar and Deepa Athani. Kavita Nair is an Executive Director of the Company.
Dr. Bhargavi Venkatasubramaniam Davar
She is founder member, heading the Bapu Group since 1999. She is a passionate human rights activist in the mental health sector since long. Bhargavi has finished her Ph.D. in philosophy and psychology, from the IIT, Mumbai and post-doctoral studies at the University of Hyderabad. She is a trained UNCRPD and Arts Based Therapy Certified Trainer.
Has been associated with the Bapu Group since initial days of the
Organisation. She oversees accounts, book keeping and legal finance
systems and compliances of the organization. She has extensive
knowledge in the field, particularly with respect to the NGO sector.
Mrs. Deepa Athani
Ms. Kavita Nair
She has completed her MA in Social work from the Tata Institute of Social sciences. She has worked in a number of organizations and the development sector and has been associated with the Mental Health sector since 2003. She has undergone training in Buddhist psychology & Ethics, and is a Certified Trainer in Arts Based Therapy.