Bapu works with DPOs and Development agencies through partnerships for capacity building on psychosocial health and wellbeing. Our trainings have the broad purpose of creating more and more communities, organizations, and individuals who bring a community inclusion perspective to their work with people; who have the necessary skill sets to practice support giving and caregiving for persons with psychosocial disabilities; who address caring for self and others; and who would like to regain their personal aspirations, peace of mind, autonomy and negotiate their terms of independence and interdependence, within their immediate social and life contexts.
Bapu Foundation training vertical was established with the idea of spreading and scaling its vision to other states, to the Asia Pacific region; and reaching our message of inclusion of persons with psychosocial disabilities to the policymakers and other stakeholders.
Our experiences in training context, suggest a diversity of training situations, adaptability of our training materials to different training needs, covering a variety of integrated topics from human rights to linkage with Development to skillful psychosocial service delivery. These trainings are drawn from a decade-long experience of applying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) models, in low-income communities, and vulnerable groups, through direct service delivery.
Fulfilling to the maximum, the purpose and vision for which Bapu was created: “healing environments will be creative, non-hazardous, non-violent and playful; and will respect the dignity and autonomy of the person."